
Proverbs 31:21

 "When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
       for all of them are clothed in scarlet."

This scripture is on my heart today. The wife of noble character is ready for tomorrow. She has been a good steward of all that she has and planned for the storms of winter. Because of this, there is no fear in her. She knows she is prepared for what lies ahead.

One of my neighbors inspired me yesterday. She is reorganizing her living room and sorting out all of her drawers and cabinets to prepare for the fall. I know it was a lot of work for her to start this project, but when she is done there will be a great reward. Her order and diligence will be a tremendous blessing to her family and help their day to day life, and her own work, to run smoothly. 

It is important to be a good steward of what we have. Spiritually, relationally, materially, and financially. The richness in our spirits as we grow in Christ impact our relationships with our family, friends, and communities. Using our material possessions to their fullest capacity and conscientiously managing our finances will set us up for the best outcome in the future. For we never know what lies ahead. 

I am thankful I do not know what storms are brewing in my future, because I am able to live in peace today, without an anxious heart. BUT, as I mentioned before, there cannot be a mountain top without a valley. 

May I be a wife of noble character, unafraid of winter, because my family is cloaked in good stewardship.


New Blog!

I've created a new blog: www.jodyeleanormadden.blogspot.com

It's my creative outlet <3



For those of you who are wondering, we aren't a flawless family. In fact, I alone have more flaws than could be listed in a single post. We aren't the kind of all-American family that you'd splash on the cover of a magazine, air brushed to perfection, looking brand new. On the contrary, we are a far cry from refined.

I choose, in written word and verbal, in my thoughts and reflections, to focus on the positive and be optimistic. What is the use in complaining or focusing on the negative?? It leads to discontentment and discouragement, at best.

So, when you see my bright and shiny blogs, remember there is a flip-side. There is for everyone.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."


Under One Roof

Daniel came home after 9 months of training with the good old USAF in April. All of his children had grown up so much, in fact he missed all of their birthdays, save Adele's. Devan had turned 9 and the twins turned 2. Sweet little Benjamin was a whopping 4 months! We had a highly anticipated and slightly emotional reunion at the Ontario International Aiport. The Madden Kids were like little barnacles, clinging to their daddy wherever they could find a space to latch on. He was clearly overwhelmed and delighted by them.

We spent the following 2 months living in different hotels/guest bedrooms/campsites/cabins while waiting to close escrow on our first home! I can't express our sheer joy the day we unlocked the door and let the kids explore the inside, run through the backyard, and marvel at the view. It was amazing. We've been home owners for almost three months now, and are still in awe of our new place.

It's perfect. The girls share a bedroom, the boys share a bedroom, we share a bedroom, and we have one to spare for guests! The backyard is spacious enough for kids to romp and because we are across the field from a state park, there is plenty of wildlife to observe. We have a variety of desert trees lining the perimeter of the yard, and a rocky hill towers above our property line. There isn't much light pollution so in the evening we can see a crystal clear sky and study constellations.

The neighbors here are lovely. Many of them have children and in the late afternoon garage doors open, lawn mowers and garden hoses come out, parents tinker around outdoors while the kids ride bikes, scooters, and play basketball. 

Daniel has been enjoying his seasoning at March immensely. It's only 7 minutes away from our house, which means we enjoy lunch as a family nearly every day. He's using all the training he went through working on KC-135's and is excited at the opportunities to grow in his field. The kids love that his work day ends shortly after 3:00, so there is plenty of time to play or do schoolwork before supper.

Since moving to the Inland Empire we've met scads of other homeschool families. I am so excited about the upcoming school year. We have enriched our curriculum by expanding to other publishers and supporting literary materials/outdoor excursions. We found a wonderful private school nearby that has more than 200 families enrolled, which includes a steady flow of field trips as well as organized sports.

I never would have dreamed this time last year we would be where we are today. God has surprised and delighted our family, blessing us beyond measure. I'm thankful to be on the mountaintop, though fresh on my mind is that you can't have a mountaintop without a valley.


2010, Oh Boy!

The length of time between posts clearly demonstrates my busy life as a full-time mother and bride! Daniel did, in fact, graduate from BMT with honors. There were 70 out of 700...he was awarded a number of coins and ribbons. We are so proud! Just before coming home for Christmas, Daniel graduated from his first tech school with honors too, and is presently one of two top students in his second tech school. We expect him home by April 9th or 10th.

Our sweet baby, Benjamin Ezra Madden, joined our little clan on December 30th at 11:15pm. We are so delighted by his presence, and I'm afraid there is not enough time in the day for all of us to take turns lavishing him with our affections.  He was 6.5 pounds, 19 inches, and surprisingly has a little layer of red fuzz on his head! We love it :]

The little house we moved into truly is adorable, but the neighborhood is very dangerous. Since we've moved here I've had a number of men try to "get" me and two of them were arrested. Needless to say, the day we move out will not be a sorrowful one! Uncle Sam was generous to us this year on our income tax return and we are house shopping in Perris and Moreno Valley. Right now we are waiting to hear back on a cozy home in Perris that I "love" and will hopefully find out tomorrow if our bid was accepted. 

Rain has been abundant and I am not complaining. What a beautiful thing, rain is! It cleans up the world around us and nourishes all living things. Our future home town is very green because of the rainy season, which is much nicer than the dry blazing summer that leaves the earth rather bare. Thank goodness for sprinklers!

Devan just turned 9, which I just cannot believe. He is an incredible boy, son, and older brother. We all adore him to pieces. And, boy, does he know it! 3rd grade is quickly coming to a close and we are looking forward to a break! All park and rec activities are temporarily on hold until we settle into a new place. 

Adele is enjoying her preschool days and never wants them to end. Luckily, neither do I. She has so much to learn and it keeps her happy and busy, so why not?! I'm glad she is growing into a loving older sister and more like a little sweet girl. I am so glad she is such an engaging playmate with Devan to keep him company until we move into a neighborhood where he can romp around with other little boys!

Ginger and Giselle will be 2 in a couple of weeks. I just cannot believe it! Didn't I just say that about Devan?! Well, I can't! It's true! They just grow so fast. Somehow, time stands still for me, and I feel maybe 19 or 20ish :] These two little girls are so sweet, busy, and full of laughter.  They bring us all great amusement and joy. I think they must be Adele's sidekicks because she trains them in song and dance on a daily basis. The three of them are very close and know just how to work their older brother!

Benjamin is a teench over a month old now. He looks very similar to my sweet baby Adele when she was a newborn, but he has red hair. We think it's darling. Devan gets this little guy so wound up he doesn't know quite what to do with himself, but take a nap afterward. The girls smother him with kisses and hugs until he cries, and I am his recovery person. We try to rest a little bit each day, but generally I just run on fumes :]

That's all for now, and pretty good for a sleep deprived, almost 26 year old mother of 5! 


Long Time Coming

Wow! I can't believe I started this last year and haven't added anything to it! Another post is a long time coming, and overdue to say the least. My sweet Daniel departed August 11th for boot camp, which as I mentioned in my last blog was a highly anticipated date! He was so excited for his grand adventure, and we shared in his excitement for a new career and a new season in life! He is doing very well at boot camp, and though we've only spoken twice for a few minutes and received just one letter, I am confident he will graduate with flying colors! Currently he is an element leader over his flight and has the responsibility of keeping the other BMT's in line. This means a lot of yelling and a tired voice at the end of the day. He said their days are about 18 hours long and it has been fun, but exhausting. I wish I could see him in his uniform drilling and running and yelling orders :]
The children and I are doing splendidly, and enjoy our new home. We have moved up in the world since our last post, back into a house (praise God!). Not the best neighborhood, admittedly, but we have a decent yard and a new swing set that the children love to play on! Daniel and I took time before he left to make sure our little ones would not be too troubled about his going away by coming up with some creative ways for them to keep track of time and see/hear Daniel even in his absence. First off, he recorded a series of videos of himself saying hello to the children and sending his love. We also have a wall by the front door where we collect letters and photos of Daddy, as well as a "Daddy Chain." The Daddy Chain is most popular because every day a link is torn off as we draw closer to our first visit at his graduation in October. We also take time nearly every day to write letters and color pictures to mail to Daniel. This helps them feel connected and God has been faithful to comfort their hearts. I am blessed by their cheery outlooks and confidence that it won't be long until we are all together once again.
This fall we are looking forward to so many wonderful things. After our first successful run of park and rec activities this summer (ballet and baseball), we have decided on another round. Devan will enroll in golf and Adele in another session of ballet or tap (or both?). Devan will also begin 3rd grade (yahoo!). He has come such a long way from Kindergarten last summer...I am so proud of him. Adele will begin preschool and is very excited to learn basic reading and math skills. They are growing up so fast. My sweet little twinsies, Ginger and Giselle, will no doubt have a wonderful time playing together and getting into mischief :]
Onto even MORE exciting news, perhaps the most wonderful gift our family will receive this year: a new addition to the family! Our baby BOY is due on New Year's Eve. I am pleased to report this pregnancy has been a complete breeze and we are so delighted to have another little man-child in the house. Our family is quickly growing to 7 members, and God is providing our every need <3


Christmas Eve

Well, it's Christmas Eve: Mama is getting the day rolling, Daddy's at work, and the Madden Kids are still in a deep slumber. A perfect time to start our blog :] Admittedly, I've pondered the idea of using blogspot for more than a few years, and as I begin mine this morning there is a slight tinge of regret for waiting so very long...So, without further delay, here's our status:

Daniel: is wrapping up 13 years of service at the family business, Madden Millworks, after receiving a significant pay cut due to our crumbling economy. So far we have two leads working locally; we'll see the beginning of January if they pan out. He is also going to meet with a recruiter to discuss signing up for the Air Force Reserve, which we all think is very exciting! We've been hosting a college group at our house for several months now, but Daniel recently told Jeff our good times would be coming to an end as we prepare to downsize to a more humble abode to accommodate our new level of income. I can see Daniel is unburdened and excited about all of these changes and the doors opening up for our family.

Jody: is relieved at how sovereign the Good Lord is in providing all of our needs. For a while there things were looking grim as far as securing a home at half the rent for a family of 6. Two weeks went by with countless applications going out and no call backs for Daniel's field of work, and I was relieved when we discussed the AFR as a backup. I've been blessed by amazing friends and a loving church, and a wonderful family...it's honestly the happiest I've ever been :] My experience working with families who are afflicted with fetal disorders over the past year has been so enriching. It has been a pleasure getting to know the man who operated on my girls and ultimately cured their TTTS. Our friendship has grown and we've been able to work together on different projects to help the Fetal Therapy Department at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center. I am so excited about the new year and making more progress!

Devan: is all boy, and then some! He goes by "Devan Boy" (Adele's invention) and loves being surrounded by beautiful girls. I don't think a moment goes by that he doesn't have one of them physically glued to his body. The babies crawl up to him and tug on his jeans until he picks them up; Adele just climbs him like a monkey on a palm tree. Yes, he tolerates them well, and still manages to get all of his studies done. Devan is excelling in our home studies, progressing from Kindergarten to 2nd grade between June and now. We are so proud! In his spare time he loves to play with Adam and Paul, engage in sword fights, build legos, play video games, go on special outings with me, and of course anything manly with Uncle Daniel.

Adele: is something else. Now that she is talking in full sentences, her personality is really shining through. She corrects us, argues, shares inside jokes, and reveals her endless imagination. Her favorite person in the whole world is her beloved Devan Boy. She loves to go into his room and make him dance with her to "A Whole New World" on his piano, and he does. I believe she might have him wrapped around her finger. For now she has him quizzing her ABC skills during "ABC Time," reading her books during "Story Time," building her forts to play in, fixing all of her broken toys, and riding him as a horsey. She also enjoys her baby sisters immensely, and when we walk into her room at 1 AM to see why three little girls are jumping on the bed, squealing, she announces, "WE'RE HAVING A SLUMBER PARTY!"

Ginger: is our go getter. From day one, at 2lbs 14oz, she has been a little fighter...and as she's grown, so has her temper. I have never seen someone that small be so determined and fierce. At birth she was ripping out her tubes and wires so they had to tape her little arms to the isolate. I remember when she was about 6 months old she grabbed Giselle's pacifier out of her mouth and threw it across the room. The other day she crawled over to her sister, stole her bottle of milk and helped herself. She's very intense and fearless and still has very little baby fat. I think she works out. Many times she is the leader of the baby train that tours our house and the culprit behind the expeditions they embark upon. Recently I discovered Giselle holding the pantry door open while Ginger unloaded the bottom shelf...I can only imagine what they'll be doing a year from now.

Giselle: is our sensitive child. Mind you, definitely not as sensitive as Adele. Giselle is very patient, and rarely becomes jealous unlike her twin sister. She doesn't take a pacifier and everything has to be just so for her to fall asleep. She loves to smile and has a gentle spirit, but hates to go to bed. She stands in her crib and bellows the most pitiful, "Mamaaaa" she can muster and it works every time. Giselle dominates Ginger at times when it comes to sharing toys, and more often than not tries to use her as a foot stool. For example, the other day she tried to climb up on the couch and used Ginger's back as her boost. The bottle theft incident occurred shortly thereafter when I put both fussy babies to bed. I'm sure they'll work out their differences soon enough...

We are moving to our new place on December 27th. It's 1000 square feet smaller than where we currently live and has a postage stamp sized back yard, but we love it! This is the perfect opportunity to purge ourselves of unnecessary material things that have accumulated over the years and store away all of the "essentials."